Helping Child Care Centers Navigate Kentucky State Law
Our administrative and regulatory compliance attorneys can guide you through the maze of bureaucratic interpretation of regulations to help ensure that you are properly licensed and compliant.
We are frequently called upon to help with the annual re-licensure surveys or complaint investigations that are conducted by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet), Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Division of Regulated Child Care (DRCC). In the event a survey results in a statement of deficiencies, our lawyers will work with the provider to draft effective plans of correction. Moreover, we are frequently retained by child care centers to perform audits in order to secure ongoing regulatory compliance.
Defending Child Care Center Licenses
If your child care center has received a notification of “negative” action from the OIG concerning its license, whether for a civil monetary penalty (CMP), intermediate sanction, suspension or revocation, you should immediately seek knowledgeable and experienced help.
Our lead attorney, Randall Strause, is a former chief administrative law judge and presided over appeals and hearings of child care center licensure matters for the Cabinet. Strause Law Group has successfully defended child care centers’ licenses in hearings and appeals when the Cabinet had wrongfully attempted to close the center by moving to suspend or revoke the provider’s license. Our team also has successfully reversed an administrative hearing decision where a CMP was leveled against a child care center.
Speak With An Experienced Attorney Today
We represent child care centers located throughout the commonwealth of Kentucky. Whether you own one preschool or a string of day care facilities, an attorney who understands your issues is within reach. Our attorneys do not shy away from taking on challenging issues concerning child care centers.
Our Kentucky firm has developed long-term relationships with our clients. We believe this attests to the quality of our counsel. For results-oriented lawyers who will advocate for your interests, contact us online or call 502-498-8268 or 859-428-7029 to schedule an initial consultation.