Are You Seeking Help With The CCAP? We Know What To Do.
The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) is a state subsidy with an intended goal of providing working parents quality child care. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (the Cabinet), Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), Division of Regulated Child Care (DRCC), is charged with program integrity and requires compliance from all day care providers.
If your center has received a Notice of Suspected Intentional Program Violation, you should immediately seek experienced legal help. Our attorneys at Strause Law Group take prompt action when our clients’ livelihoods are at stake. We are qualified to assist you during the statutory and regulatory process. Our lawyers work hard to keep our clients from receiving any sanction and remain a CCAP provider.
What Happens If You Are Accused Of Noncompliance
When the DRCC suspects a child care provider of an intentional program violation (IPV), it essentially considers that the day care facility has committed fraud and the resulting penalties for that can be devastating. If the DRCC, through its agent 3-Cs, proves that the provider is responsible for an IPV, not only will the day care be required to repay any improper payments, but it also could ultimately face disqualification from the program and possibly have its license revoked.
Fortunately, the child care provider is entitled to an administrative hearing governed under KRS 13B in order to challenge the DRCC’s actions. Our lawyers have successfully represented day care centers charged with an IPV and threatened with disqualification. Our team has reversed the DRCC’s actions at both the administrative hearing stage and in court, thereby securing our client’s continued participation in CCAP with no negative action on their child care center license.
What Is The Child And Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program implemented by the Department of Education (DOE) that helps organizations, like day care centers, pay for nutritious meals they serve to children. If a child care provider receives a letter from the DOE that is a Notice of Serious Deficiency, the provider should immediately contact an experienced attorney. This governmental assistance program requires compliance.
Failure to comply may result in disqualification from the program, the repayment of any money as a result of deficiencies, and the placement of the facility and the responsible individuals on the National Disqualified List. In addition to those penalties, the Cabinet has the power to revoke the child care license of the provider for disqualification.
Call Our Attorneys For Assistance
As with CCAP, day cares are entitled to an administrative hearing to challenge the DOE’s serious deficiency notification. Our attorneys have experience handling compliance issues with governmental assistance programs, such as CACFP, and can advocate for you through this trying time.
To arrange for an initial consultation to discuss your matter, contact our Kentucky child care defense lawyers online or call 502-498-8268. Our offices are located conveniently in Louisville and Lexington.