Fast-Growing Facilities Combining the Medical and Beauty Industries Over the past several years, the practice of medicine has experienced major shifts that have transformed it into a more dynamic and versatile field. One notable change is the creation and...
Knowledge. Experience. Results.
Professional Licensure Defense
Defend your valuable physical therapy license in South Carolina, Kentucky
Physical therapy is a valuable profession of service to others and healing that aims to promote, maintain, manage and improve health and functioning through evaluation, programming and treatment, according to Kentucky regulation. To become a licensed physical...
Nursing licenses: What happens off-duty may not stay off-duty
Lots of people can clock out at work and not worry too much that what happens in their personal lives will be relevant at work. Of course, this is not the case for nurses and other professionals who provide medical care. Behavior both on- or off-the-job that raises...
Potential consequences when nurses fail to comply with HIPAA
Nurses and other medical professionals have long had legal and ethical duties to keep private their patients’ protected health information (PHI). Of course, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is the federal crowning jewel of health...
Legal cannabis and nurses licensed in states where it is not
Protecting licenses in a fog of law, policy and health care A whirlwind surrounds the question of whether to legalize medical or recreational marijuana use. In most states, legislators, governors or voters have made various changes to state laws in this regard– or...
Can social media misuse put your nursing license at risk?
The answer is clear: Yes. Posting unprofessional or illegal pictures or writings could harm a nurse’s job, professional reputation or even their license to practice nursing. How might nurses’ posts on Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere harm them? The biggest issue with...
The RaDonda Vaught trial Part Two – Will there be a chilling effect on self-reporting for nurses?
In our last post, we reviewed the outcome of the trial and sentencing of Tennessee nurse RaDonda Vaught. Vaught was tried and convicted of criminally negligent homicide and gross neglect of an impaired adult in March of this year. Although the judge showed leniency in...
What can we learn from the former nurse RaDonda Vaught trial?
Nurses from across the country expressed shock and anger when Tennessee nurse RaDonda Vaught was tried and convicted earlier this year for the accidental death of a patient in 2017 due to a medication error. Such mistakes rarely reach the criminal courts and state...
Can you lose your medical license over mental health concerns?
If the state licensing board has evidence that a doctor’s mental health may put patients at risk, the agency may take action to restrict their license to practice medicine. This scenario likely would come before the board if someone files a grievance that may trigger...
Business and licensing issues when launching a Kentucky medical spa, part 2
Today we pick up where we left off in part 1 of this post. Namely, we take a closer look at licensing matters and business considerations for the advanced practice regular nurse (APRN) who wants to set up their own medical spa in Kentucky. Kentucky Board of Nursing...